
Veteran Services

Columbia-Greene is proud of the veterans who have served our country during peace time or war, and we are pleased to be considered a military-friendly campus. This section of our site includes on-campus services and contacts and links to pages containing information about government and private agencies and organizations.

Five caucasian men wearing blue shits that read "Do Something". They are holding a banner that says 22 push up challenge. Two service dogs bookend the men

We encourage our student veterans to take advantage of all of the services and benefits to which they are entitled, as well as participate in events and activities created for and by veterans, often through our active Student Veterans Club. These include our annual Veterans Day Observances, community outreach year-round, and the completion of the 22 Push-up Challenge by CGCC students, faculty, and administration.

We hope these resources will help our student veterans be successful in college and enjoy their experiences at CGCC.

Columbia-Greene adheres to the standards set forth by the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC).  By doing so, we follow a code of ethics as related to the recruitment and admissions of all students, including Service members and their dependents.

NACAC’s Statement of Principles of Good Practice

In addition to NACAC’s Statement of Principles of Good, Columbia-Greene Community College will ensure compliance with program integrity requirements consistent with the regulations issued by ED (34 C.F.R 668.71-668.75 and 668.14) related to restrictions on misrepresentation, recruitment, and payment of incentive compensation. This applies to the educational institution itself and its agents including third party lead generators, marketing firms, or companies that own or operate the educational institutions. As part of efforts to eliminate unfair, deceptive, and abusive marketing aimed at Service members.

Columbia-Greene Community College and its agents including third party lead generators, marketing firms, or companies that own or operate the educational institutions will:

  1. Ban inducements, including any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, transportation, lodging, meals, or other item having a monetary value of more than a de minimis amount, to any individual or entity, or its agents including third party lead generators or marketing firms other than salaries paid to employees or fees paid to contractors in conformity with all applicable laws for the purpose of securing enrollments of Service members or obtaining access to TA funds. Educational institution sponsored scholarships or grants and tuition reductions available to military students are permissible, and;
  2. Refrain from providing any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollments or federal financial aid (including TA funds) to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting, admission activities, or making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance, and;
  3. Refrain from high-pressure recruitment tactics such as making multiple unsolicited contacts (3 or more), including contacts by phone, email, or in-person, and engaging in same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing Service member enrollments.

Any questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Office of Admissions – 518.697.6500.

Our military training may allow you to obtain credit for prior training in your program of study. As a veteran, you are most likely eligible to obtain one to four credits for Physical Education classes, provided they fit into your program of study. If you had specialized training in an area that compliments your college major, you may be able to obtain credit for that experience, as well.

Once you have applied to C-GCC, have your military experience evaluated by providing a copy of your DD-214 and/or official copies of any transcripts, including SMART/AARTS transcripts to:

Columbia-Greene Community College
Admissions Office
4400 Route 23
Hudson, NY 12534

Once your records have been received, they will be evaluated and you will be notified of the result.

There are several benefits available to veterans and eligible dependents and you will need to review your options to select the benefits that are best for you.

It is possible that you could qualify for more than one educational benefit, including the following:

Getting Started

To assist you in this process please be sure to complete the following items (if they apply) and set up an appointment with our Veteran Certifying Officer (VCO):

  • Complete the application for Federal Educational Benefits
  • Complete the admissions process for Columbia-Greene Community College
  • Submit a copy of the DD214 for the veteran under which you are applying for benefits to the Admissions office
  • Submit any transcripts of previous college courses taken; including SMART /AARTS transcripts to the Admissions office
  • Submit your Notice of Basic Eligibility (if you are in the Reserves) to the college’s VCO
  • Submit the necessary paperwork to demonstrate eligibility for Chapter 35 of title 38,U.S. Code (If you are a dependent of a Veteran) to the college’s VCO
  • After registering for classes, contact the college VCO

Veterans are encouraged to apply as early as possible for benefits as it may take up to 20 weeks for the Department of Veterans Affairs to process applications.

Veterans and eligible dependents of the New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs are also entitled to benefits:

Getting Started

To assist you in this process please complete the following items:

  • Apply for state educational benefits through your selected units administrative offices
  • Complete the admissions process for Columbia-Greene Community College
  • Submit a copy of the DD214 for the veteran under which you are applying for benefits to the Admissions office
  • Submit any transcripts of previous college courses taken, including SMART /AARTS transcripts, to the Admissions office
  • Complete the Federal and State Financial Aid application (PELL & TAP)
  • Contact Student Account for enrollment verification

Greene County Veterans Service Agency
Director – Michelle Deyo
159 Jefferson Hts.
Suite A104
Catskill, NY 12414
Phone: 518.943.3703
Fax: 518.943.1928

Columbia County Veterans Service Agency
Director – Gary Flaherty
401 State Street
Hudson, NY 12534-1915
Phone: 518.828.3610
Fax: 518.828.0410

New York State Division of Veterans’ Affairs

Veterans’ Affairs: Upstate Health Care New York (VISN-2)

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Contact the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Veterans of Foreign Wars: Department of New York

The American Legion: Department of New York

Chance Phelps Foundation

Hope for the Warriors

Wounded Warrior Project

Homes for our Troops

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America


Caucasian female with shoulder length, curly brown hair, wearing a sky blue blazer and white shirt smiling in a headshot. Office of Accessibility Services
and Veteran and Military Affairs Advisor
Catherine Carlson, Director
Telephone: 518.697.6437


Columbia-Greene Community College logo - yellow flame on background of left half green and right half blueVeterans Certifying Officer (VCO) (For Montgomery and Post 9/11 GI Bill)
Jonathan Coller-Takahashi, Registrar
Telephone: 518.697.6421


Caucasian female with dirty blonde hair smiling in headshotNew York National Guard Tuition Reimbursement Program
Jessica Sachs, Student Accounts
Telephone: 518.697.6341


The Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 requires educational institutions to make certain disclosures to students using federal military and/or VA educational benefits. To view and print a copy of an estimated personalized cost of attendance you can visit the SUNY Net Price Cost Calculator and select Columbia-Greene from the dropdown. Additional financial information can be found at the NCES College Navigator site.

The SUNY Financial Aid Plan (FAP) will provide a more in-depth analysis and accurate picture of student cost once the student has filed their FAFSA, completed a SUNY application, and has been accepted by a campus.