2024 Scholarship Opportunities
- Enrolled in the Nursing Program
- Demonstrate a compassionate bedside manner
- GPA 2.5 or higher
- Financial need beyond financial aid
- Enrolled in Psychology or Human Services
- GPA 3.0 or higher
- Matriculated into the Automotive program
- Minimum GPA of 3.0 for 2nd year or B average from high school transcript for 1st year
- Full-time
- Greene County students pursuing a degree or a career in the medical field.
- An additional question on the Scholarship application
Through a SUNY Workforce Initiative grant, Columbia-Greene Community College is able to offer financial assistance to students enrolled in cannabis classes at Columbia-Greene.
- First-time cannabis students will have all costs covered for their first cannabis course at Columbia-Greene.
- Students who complete (or have previously completed) a cannabis course at Columbia-Greene with a B or higher will continue to receive full scholarship funding toward any additional cannabis courses for as long as the grant funding is available.
- The scholarship can cover the cost of two classes per semester (7-week or 15-week classes in Spring and 6-week classes in Summer)
- Nursing student (LPN/RN)
- GPA 2.5 or higher
- A nursing student who is graduating
- GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Preference will be given to students who currently possess an LPN degree, serve in the military, are first responders, or are veterans.
- Enrolled in Nursing, Criminal Justice, English or Creative Writing
- Must have completed at least 12 credits
- GPA 3.25 or higher
- Nursing or Medical Assistant Student
- GPA 2.0 or higher
The Empire State Diversity Honors Scholarship Program (ESDHSP) is designed to direct aid to undergraduate students who have demonstrated academic achievement and overcome a disadvantage or other impediment to success in higher education. Candidates will contribute to the diversity of the student body by demonstrating their commitment to facilitating and enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in their academic programs and/or activities.
Program Eligibility Requirements
To participate in the ESDHSP, candidates are required to:
- Be a U.S.citizens or have permanent resident status,
- Be a New York Resident and
- Demonstrate how they have overcome a disadvantage or other impediment to success in higher education.
- Demonstrate a commitment to contributing to the diversity of the student body by facilitating and enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in their academic programs and/or campus activities.
Even though financial need is not a requirement for program eligibility, applicants may utilize economic disadvantage as a basis for eligibility.
Preference will be given to candidates who are:
From a low-income background (e.g., Pell-eligible as undergraduates), were first-generation college students (students whose parents have not earned a bachelor’s degree), have overcome adversity, are AmeriCorps alumni, or are veterans.
The Empire State Diversity Honors Scholarship Program is open to any and all prospective candidates regardless of race, color, national origin, or sex, and is consistent with all current governing federal and state nondiscrimination law. All application submissions will be assessed and evaluated in accordance with the required eligibility criteria.
All campus distributions are pending annual state budget approval. While we have been awarding campuses scholarships for many years, funding may not be guaranteed every year.
- Construction Technology
- GPA 2.0 or higher
- GPA 3.0 or higher
- Completed 30 credit hours
- Liberal Arts with a Concentration in Education or Teaching certificate
- Columbia or Greene County Resident
- Nursing Student entering 201
- GPA 3.0 or higher
- Greene County Resident
- Enrolled in RN/LPN/ Medical Assisting
- Greene County resident
- Pursuing a career or continuing their education in the field of law or criminal justice
- Must be a Greene County Volunteer Firefighter, Junior Firefighter, or Auxiliary member.
- 1st year of college
- GPA 2.3 or higher
- Enrolled in a minimum of 6 credits
- Obtain a reference from the Fire Chief of the company to which the student belongs.
- New students or returning students with a GPA of 2.0 or higher
- A resident of Greene County
- In the 2nd year of study
- Pursuing a degree in Math, Technology, Automotive, or any of the Sciences
- Columbia County resident for 3 years
- RN/LPN/Medical Assisting
- Awarded in the spring for the following Fall and Spring semesters
- New students or returning students with a GPA of 2.0 or higher
- A resident of Greene County
- GPA 2.0 or higher
- Willing to participate in a photo for media purposes
- Must be in the 2nd year of Liberal Arts with a Human Services Concentration
- Career commitment to working with differently-abled individuals
- Non-traditional nursing student; 24 years or older
- GPA of 2.67 or higher
- Enrolled in Nursing or Criminal Justice
- Have completed at least 12 credits
- Attend the fire company banquet
- GPA 2.0 or higher
- Financial Need
- Enrolled in the Construction Technology program
- GPA 2.5 or higher
- Enrollment in the Police Basic Training Program
- GPA of 3.0 or higher while in the program
- Demonstrate unmet need
- Enrolled in the Nursing Program or Medical Assistant Program
- Did not receive a PELL grant
- GPA 2.5 or higher
- Criminal Justice or Business major
- GPA 2.75 or higher
- Marine – Active Duty, Reservist or Veteran
- Spouse or child of a Marine (Active Duty, Reservist or Veteran)
- GPA 2.5 or higher
- Must be in the 2nd year of Liberal Arts with a Human Services Concentration
- GPA 2.5 or higher
- Honorably discharged veteran or currently serving in the military
- Pursuing a career in any of the following programs: Automotive, Construction Technologies, Criminal Justice, Medical Assisting, Nursing
- Full-time student
- Community Service must be noted
- Extracurricular involvement
- Letter of Recommendation from faculty member
Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of diversity. Believe in and practice behaviors that encourage accepting people of different cultures and religions. Encourage people to build friendships with everyone regardless of culture and religion. Create a world where people feel comfortable in any neighborhood.
Answer the following questions:
- How did you become interested in diversity issues?
- What is the difference between tolerance and acceptance?
- How long have you been involved in promoting tolerance and acceptance?
- Give an example of how, in the past year, you have advanced the cause of diversity. What were your goals? What type of obstacles did you face? What have you learned from your experience?
- Give one local and one global example of positive or negative events caused by intolerance of different races, religions, cultures, or lifestyles.
- Resident of Catskill, NY
- Completed 12 credits
- Must be in the 2nd year of the Nursing Program
- Career commitment to working with differently-abled individuals
- Second-year, Full-time student
- GPA 2.85 or higher
- Columbia County Resident
- US Citizen
The OutHudson Scholarship was created to provide financial support to individuals pursuing higher education at Columbia-Greene Community College, particularly those who have displayed leadership toward achieving LGBTQ+ equality and liberation. Applicants who have demonstrated this commitment through personal advocacy, volunteer community service, professional aspirations, and organizing efforts are strongly encouraged to apply. OutHudson is a volunteer-led 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2016 in Hudson, NY. OutHudson’s mission is to elevate the quality of life and advance the visibility of LGBTQ people in Columbia County, NY.
- GPA 2.0 or higher
- Columbia County resident
- Graduated from a Columbia County High School
- Enrolled in Nursing 102 or later
- A student enrolled in Nursing 4 who is due to graduate in the current semester
- Commitment to work at Columbia Memorial Health for a minimum of one year following graduation
- History or English major
- GPA 3.0 or higher
- Full-time
- Scholarships will be awarded to students applying from high schools in Columbia and Greene counties, with a GPA OF 90% or higher, and from Red Hook High School living in Columbia County, with an average of 90% or higher.
- The scholarship must be used for the fall semester immediately following the student’s high school graduation. If you need to defer this scholarship for one semester, the decision will be at the discretion of the Columbia-Greene Community Foundation’s board of directors.
- Each semester, the recipient must be officially enrolled for a minimum of 12 semester hours at Columbia-Greene Community College and be in attendance on the college’s census date.
- Scholarship recipients must complete at least 12 semester hours of work at Columbia-Greene Community College with a minimum GPA of 2.50 during the first semester to maintain eligibility.
- The Presidential Scholarship will be renewed for sophomore students who maintain a 3.25 GPA and complete at least 12 semester hours at Columbia-Greene Community College each semester.
- The scholarship amount will be $800 per semester. High School students graduating number one or two in their class (valedictorian or salutatorian) are eligible for a scholarship of $1600, up to 17 credit hours per semester.
- Disciplinary sanction will cause the revocation of the scholarship. A student may appeal for reinstatement of the scholarship when the sanction has been removed.
- Presidential Scholarship recipients are required to attend Presidential Scholarship-related events. Events may include receptions, breakfasts, brunches, luncheons, or similar programs.
- Liberal Arts & Science
- GPA 3.0 or higher
- Pursuing an Associate of Arts or Science degree
- Intends to transfer to a four-year college or university
- Financial Need include those NOT Pell-eligible
- Graduate of Taconic Hills CSD
- Unmet need after other non-loan aid has been applied
- Non-traditional students 24 years and older
- Columbia County resident
- Nursing student who has completed NU 101 and NU 102
- Enrolled in the Automotive program
- Full-time
- GPA 2.0 or higher
- Enrolled in the Construction Technology program
- GPA 2.70 or higher
The purpose of the scholarship is to assist musicians, both young and young at heart, in their quest to achieve a higher understanding of musicianship and pedagogy. This assistance may be used to secure material related to the further study of music or for the sake of the study itself. Priority will be given to applicants who intend to study the organ, wish to study the practice of liturgical (sacred) music, and/or are in preparation for a liturgical position within a sacred institution.
- A resident of Columbia, Greene, Dutchess, or Ulster County
- Be musically literate
- Willingness to perform an audition on the instrument of your choice if requested
- Columbia County resident
- Full-time
- GPA 3.0 or higher
- Recommendation letter from a faculty member
- Recommendation letter from a community (non-family) member
- A student entering Nursing 101
- Columbia County resident